13 June 2011

Recipe: Vegetarian Scotch broth

Scotch broth is everything that good rustic food should be: filling, nourishing, economical, and capable of being adapted to the ingredients you have to hand. More than just a soup, it's almost a complete meal in a bowl.

Now you might think that a vegetarian Scotch broth is a contradiction in terms. But the defining ingredient is not meat, but barley. It's barley that gives the broth its characteristic taste, and it's barley that provides most of the protein. Although the soup is traditionally made with lamb or mutton, it does no harm at all to leave out the meat.

5 August 2011: I have now moved this recipe to my main website, Veg World. My apologies for any inconvenience. You can see the recipe by following this link:

Vegetarian Scotch Broth

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Full list of vegetarian and vegan recipes.